Calico Cat Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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The stunning green eyes of this calico cat make it hard to look away from this jigsaw puzzle. The colors in the fur make the cat look like it has an unusual expression.


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Mar 24, 2018
"It doesn't seem right that women love cats. Cats are independent, they don't listen, they don't come when you call, they like to stay out all night, and when they are at home, they like to be left alone to sleep. In other words, every quality that women hate in a man, they love in a cat. ~~Terry Sangster
Mar 24, 2018
Love your comment LuvsWesterns. How true!!!!
Mar 24, 2018
LOL LuvsWesterns - saw that one coming hahahaha. Hugs.
Mar 24, 2018
Good one Luvs.
Mar 25, 2018
Male cats are much more loving, at least to their female caretakers. Females are more aloof. This probably has something to do with their natural mothering desire.
Mar 24, 2018
My Mom is the reason that I am in love with cats. We always had one while I was growing up. I let her name the calico I have now while she was in a nursing home, and she named her "Callie". Not too original, I admit. I would like to hear from others who grew up owning cats and the question I have is this....I don't remember my folks ever buying canned or dry cat food. I believe that she just gave her kitty table food. Anyone else have the same memory?
Mar 25, 2018
When I lived on Manitoulin Island, my Mom would feed the cats left overs from the table. But they also lived outside during the summer months and you'd never hear a peep or see them unless something was wrong. One of our cats was hurt on the road and made her way home, to die in the garden. Of course, several others we'd never hear from again and then you knew that they became food. The balance of nature.
Mar 24, 2018
I am not a real cat lover but I do like Calico cats, they seem to be more loving! A and I love their colors!
Mar 24, 2018
Calicos were the favorite of my wife. My daughter currently has seven cats and two dogs. Good thing she is a country girl and has plenty of space for animal. She also has seven horses
Mar 24, 2018
Such a pretty kitty--I love doing these kind of puzzles. I have 3 cats and I guess that's why I love them.
Mar 24, 2018
Unusual face markings --- but cute!
Mar 24, 2018
My sister has a calico cat and she is the meanest cat I have ever been around. She lets you pat her for half a minute then tries to bite or bat you. Last time my sister took her to the vets they gave the cat her needle through the hole in the top of the carry case. Even they cannot handle her.

Two cats are sitting in front of bird's cage and observe a newly arrived green canary.

One cat says to the other, "It really is a strange color for a bird. Maybe he's not ripe yet."


A woman sits in a diner. A cat comes in, buys a chocolate ice cream and leaves.

The woman is totally astonished, "Wow – that was unusual".

The diner manager agrees, "That's right. She's never asked for anything else but strawberry before."

Take care and God bless. Hugs.
Mar 24, 2018
I have had THREE calico cats. Two are in RAINBOW BRIDGE. I currently have my THIRD one who will turn 17 on September 6 if she can endure her tumors, plus he peridontal disease. I am financially-challenged for affording a veterinarian and don't wish to make any future debts for her and then find out she's dying. She eats just fine, and does her 2 elimination processes successfully, walks through my 1-bedroom apartment and around my kitchen table every day, loves my PUR filtered water, and gets her share of sleep on or under my bed every day. So that's what I call cat retirement skills.