Bridge at Night Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle for free online of the Bhumibol Bridge. The Bhumibol bridge is located in Thailand.


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Jan 19, 2018
A quickie puzzle. Beautiful picture.
Jan 15, 2018
I like the reflection in the water.
Apr 14, 2016
I just joined the jigsaw premium club and I am having the time of my life! So many different types of challenges! I am a stroke survivor and the puzzles not only give me enjoyment they help with my cognitive abilities!
Nov 9, 2017
Gmamarthe19, are you still enjoying the puzzles? I work several every day, and I agree that they help with cognitive function. And.......they ARE fun! :)
Oct 23, 2016
Marvellous structure
May 6, 2016
Love the puzzle and I really Enjoyed finding the New shapes I did today it is nice to be back, and I will be praying for Joe and his Dad.I know what he is going through, but we know that God is able to do all things but it is not so easy sometimes to trust in God and that is where your pray will come in as we pray for you both, Genaya
Apr 6, 2016
Came in 11th on this one. Good timing for me
I need prayers from my prayer warriors. My husband Joe's sugar has been over 300 points lately. This morning it was 363. He has been sleeping all morning. I know there are things bothering him such as our finances, me starting back to college to get my Bachelor's degree, which is more money, his dad in PA and us here in VA ( Dad is having health issues and that is putting a strain on Joe) we have no money to go see Dad. I am really worried about my two guys right now. Please pray for a miracle that by God's Grace, we will get through this. Thank you all. I love my prayers warriors because prayer in numbers works.
Apr 6, 2016
Will pray Mamag15!
Apr 6, 2016
You and your family are in my prayers
Apr 6, 2016
Prayers going up for Joe and his dad, and also for you, mamag, as the primary caregiver. Diabetes is a sneaky disease and can creep up on you without any notice. I have two close friends who have lost toes, and then feet to diabetes, and yet they still can't change their eating habits. They lecture me all the time to get hold of mine before it gets to that point. I still love my sweets...I think I need to get a healthy-minded caregiver to cook all my meals and not give me any choice!
Apr 6, 2016
Prayers for all of you, I will light a candle in chapel daily for you and ask Our Lady Mary to intercede for you and all your problems. I personally send you mega hugs enough to last you until the troubles are resolved and I ask Jesus to bless you now and always.
Apr 6, 2016
Mamag, you have my prayers.

While blood sugar levels can be affected by stress, are you sure Joe is 1) taking his medications as directed and 2) not eating between meals? Also, after his meals, have him eat a small apple - the fiber helps push the other food through the system more quickly.

You don't say how serious his dad's health issues are. Is there any relative that can help you and Joe be able to go see his dad?

God is watching out over you all and will be with each of you always.
Apr 6, 2016
Prayers being said and always for you and yours. Sending Grammy Hugs and love.
Apr 6, 2016
Prayers right now for you and these 2 men in your life. May you all have greater peace and may it work together for the best in each case.
Apr 6, 2016
Mamag,, prayer in numbers does work..and God will provide everything you need.
Apr 6, 2016
Dear mamag, Prayers said and especially that you will be blessed abundantly in the area of finances and peace of mind. Hugs.
Apr 6, 2016
Dear mamag15 -- I've been insulin-dependent (Type 1) since age 5, and my hubby is Type 2. Sounds like your husband is type 2. Think of the arteries as thin plumbing lines with blood pumping through them. The thicker the blood (higher blood sugar), the harder it is for it to carry oxygen to the brain, organs and limbs. Those numbers are especially bad for his heart, eyes and kidneys. More than likely he needs medication adjustment and close watch of caloric intake until his numbers get back in a normal range. Make sure he's hydrated! Electrolyte imbalance occurs with dehydration affecting the kidneys. Please insist he see his doctor asap or get him to Urgent Care. Perhaps he needs to change meds (there are all kinds or oral Type 2 meds, some better than others for some folks). Maybe they'll add injectable long-lasting Lantus or Trujeo insulin. Stress shouldn't elevate numbers that much. Something else is in play. Maybe an infection. Praying for you both.
Apr 6, 2016
Prayer said. Hang in there.
Apr 6, 2016
I hope for the best for you and your family.
Apr 7, 2016
Mamg15, back in December of 2013, my blood sugar went literally off the meter - over 500. My doctor added glyburide to my metformin and the problem resolved within 2 weeks. I pray Joe's problem will be so easily resolved.

Could daily short phone calls help ease his mind about his dad? I check in with my mom twice weekly.

I pray for all of you.
Apr 7, 2016
I want to thank you all for your precious thoughts and prayers. Joe is doing a little better. His sugar was down to 292. It is still way to high. His dad had to have a stress test and he now needs to have a colonoscopy done. There s a mass on his kidney and the doctor wants to see what is going on. At 87, Dad is doing okay I guess. Our daughter is his caregiver and she keeps us informed as to what is going on with him and we do the same for her. She worries about her dad also. We call each other all the time. My daughter and I are also on facebook so we keep in touch when we need to talk without the guys knowing. This is our little secret. I want to give praise also to our Lord and for having a wonderful group like ya'll. Thank you so much. I will keep you up to date on their progress. Love you all from afar.
Apr 7, 2016
Special hugs for you this morning mamag - thank you for keeping us informed. Loving hugs.
Apr 7, 2016
Thanks for the update. Prayers will continue.u
Apr 21, 2016
You are in my prayers.
Apr 6, 2016
I truly love this group of lovely people. When I see a request for prayer, I send one immediately, I don't hesitate and seldom tell anyone. I have already sent your request mamag and now I must ask for a prayer. A few weeks ago I had a MRI and my doctor told me that I have a mass on my right ovary, I went to my OBGYN and he didn't seem worried. I have to go back in 2 months and get another test...of course. I'm 74 and I'm terrified. Please send up a group prayer. THANK ALL OF YOU!!!
Apr 7, 2016
Jldenney, most of the masses we have on our ovaries as we age are simply large cysts. Give your terror to God and rest your mind. Prayers out to help you...
Apr 7, 2016
Thinking of you, praying for you
Apr 21, 2016
I came back and saw all the support you have given me. I feel so relaxed and somehow I am feeling that every thing is going to be all right. I think GOD is telling me about all the friends that I have and that HE is in charge. Everything happens for a reason. Thank all of you!!! I feel that it is OK.

Apr 8, 2016
Praying for you all, God bless!!!
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