Breakfast Parfait Overload Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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A thick yogurt parfait buried in berries rests on a wooden table. Its berries and oatmeal overflow onto the background of this tasty online jigsaw puzzle.


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Jul 26, 2018
Healthy looking!
Jul 13, 2018
This looks really yummy, lt's making me hungry. Went to see my back surgeon yesterday, not very good news. Now the joint below and my tail bone are now causing pain and problems. I just give up!!!! I can't handle this pain and all the other problems it's causing, tired of not being able to do what I need and want to do. Sorry about that, just needed to get that out, don't like feeling sorry for myself. You all stay safe.
Jul 13, 2018
I'm sorry you aren't feeling too well Darambo. Constant pain is very depressing. I hope you find something interesting enough to take your mind off your back for a while. Try to keep relatively active and keep up with your friendships! Love Terri x
Jul 13, 2018
Hang in there darambo. Never give up. You are in my prayers
Jul 13, 2018
Darambo, would a spinal epidural work for you? It really helped me, but I think you have other complications. Hoping for the best!
Jul 13, 2018
Darambo, I'm so sorry you're in such pain and unable to do the things that you see need done. Is there anything that can be done? Have you tried cortisone shots? My doctor asked if I wanted one for my degenerative arthritis in my hand, but I'm putting it off as long as I can. Prayers for you, dear one.
Jul 14, 2018
Hi darambo, so sorry that things don't seem to be working for you right now, so here is a loving hug for you. Big sis.
Jul 14, 2018
Dear Darambo, sometimes you just have to feel sorry for you'r self and let it all out!! I hope you can feel a Little Comfort in the support from your friends here! Big warm hugs from a (to) hot Sweden!
Jul 14, 2018
Oh, darambo, I am so sorry you are going through this pain! As a fellow sufferer, I empathize. I won't go through the litany of all of my conditions, but I pray daily for those going through any one of them. As my dad would say, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy! (Or any of my friends either! ) Just this morning I went to a day surgery for two steroid shots into my lower back and sciatic nerve. It was done by my pain doctor who is also a Neurologist. I just had local anesthetic, and I never felt a thing! I highly recommend this procedure! Of course, the local is now wearing off and I'm in pain, but that should go away in about a week. (I sincerely pray that it does! )

Darambo, don't feel bad for voicing your feelings and frustrations. Sometimes just reaching out to others can be the best balm of all. I have found that in any group of friends, there is at least one person that can commiserate with you. You are NOT ALONE!! Also, don't take any guff from your doctors! If yours can't listen to you or offer solutions, you have the right to find one who can! I will pray for you for comfort and a quick solution for your pain...Try to keep smiling! It helps! (A laugh a day....)
Jul 14, 2018
Darambo, I can certainly sympathize with you. My hubby's spine is fused from his tail bone up to his 2nd lumbar vertebra. He is in constant pain in spite of the heavy duty medications he's on and another potent medication. His pain levels are better than before his surgeries (he was experiencing, on a pain scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst, a constant daily 8 to 9 pain level. He now lives with a constant 6-7 pain level and experiences more pain when weather fronts move in (which, in Florida, are fairly constant). Anyway, I hope your surgeon can give you some relief.
Jul 14, 2018
Terri, globug, akan, rah rah, aussie, and trynfindit thanks for your concern it touches me deeply. From that first joint up through L5 has had surgery 3 times now. Fused from L2-L5. Some of the problems were helped like the pain level has gone from 9-10 to 6-7. Still a lot of pain also both feet are numb and left leg numb all the way into foot. Hard to find any kind of activity other than walking for a bit, with my trusty cane in my hand. Can't sit, stand, or walk for an extended time. Can also feel weather fronts coming in, which also increases pain level. They are going to try shots again in the new spots, hope they help this time! Now the doctor is cutting my pain meds down because of all the things about opiates (yes I have tried numerous other meds for pain ). My poor yard has almost gone to weeds as I can't keep it up like I used to. Love working in the garden and yard. Well enough of my complaining. You all take care, be safe and thanks. P.S. Aussie here's a big hug back at you big sis and thanks for being there.
Jul 14, 2018
Ninianita thanks for your kind words, I just hate getting into that mind frame of feeling sorry for myself, it makes me feel weak. Is very hot here in central Oregon also. We have been getting weather advisories, we are about 15 degrees above average, also thunder stroms passing through, Hope we don't get any lightening, it is so very dry and windy besides the heat, fires will start and they will be horrible. JoyceRogers sounds like we have similar problems hope your shots will help and the pain will be better. I am pretty tough on my doctors in a nice way of course so they know not to try any nonsense. Thanks for the prayers, I know they help, prayers already sent for you. I have kept my sense of humor ( which can be kind of warped ) so I do laugh quite a bit.This is a truly wonderful site with the most caring people. Be safe.
Jul 15, 2018
Darambo, I have kept my sense of humor ( which can be kind of warped ) so I do laugh quite a bit (in your words) and sometimes disturbing the sleep of others (not mentioning any names hehehe). Hugs D - you are special.
Jul 15, 2018
Darambo, my hubby's left leg is also numb down to his foot.
Do you have drop foot in either foot?
Jul 15, 2018
Aussie you are a treasure that I think I will keep. Lets keep distrubing you know who's sleep, that's almost as good of laugh as some of the things you write- but not quite. Oh dear my horns are starting to show lol!! Thanks my " big sis " don't know what I would do without you. As you can see my mood has gotten a little better. Be safe.
Jul 15, 2018
Trynfindit if you don't mind me asking what causes your husbands leg to be numb? All my have asked me about diabetes, but I do not have it. No I do not have drop foot in either foot. Although my left foot has a mind of lt's own, it doesn't always move when my leg does and so I fall. The last time that happened I ended up with a black eye, hit my eye socket on the shelf that caught my fall lol! Hope your hubby is doing okay. You be safe.
Jul 15, 2018
Trynfindit should read " all my doctors have asked me about diabetes", Just a case of my mind going faster than hand. lol!!!!
Jul 15, 2018
Darambo, my hubby's leg started having nerve damage from the spine damage he had (which has resulted over the past 10 years in a total of 5 operations on his spine). He doesn't have diabetes either. But he started getting foot drop in his left leg - the one with the nerve damage - about 3 years ago. Last year he was diagnosed with MS, Multiple Sclerosis which a couple of MRIs confirmed. We learned that foot drop is one sign of MS. In my hubby's case, the nerve damage was mostly caused by his spinal problems but his doctor (and me and Hubs) think that the foot drop is likely due to the MS. He wears a brace on his left leg to prevent foot drop when he walks. Initially Hubs' foot drop started with the numbness in his left leg and then had the 'mind of its own' that you describe in your leg which caused him a lot of falls. Please understand, I'm not in any way saying you might have MS but some of your symptoms sound like was he's gone through.
Jul 15, 2018
Hi darambo, so glad you are feeling a bit better. I read a funny joke this morning which I will post on tonight's puzzle. Give Ed a big hug and try not to laugh so loudly at the joke if he is asleep. Hugs. (and thanks that you will keep me ;)
Jul 16, 2018
Trynfindit I do believe my numbness, tingling, pain and so forth is also caused by my spine problems, that went on for 10 years before I found a doctor who would listen. Very interesting the similarities. I've had 3 spinal surgeries in the last 5 years, 2 of them in the last year. That was the last one-no more! Please give your hubby my best and tell him to hang in there, that also goes double for you as caretaker you have the hardest job. Be safe
Jul 14, 2018
This puzzle was a little bit hard for a 34-pc. square puzzle, but it was still FUN.
Jul 13, 2018
Oh that looks so scrumptious.

Of all possessions a friend is the most precious. Herodotus.

A friend is a gift you give yourself. Robert Louis Stevenson

Coldest night this winter for us brrrr. Take care and God bless. Hugs.
Jul 13, 2018
I love these things, and often eat them when we have breakfast out while traveling. Why don't I fix them at home? Too lazy, perhaps? Or saving it as a treat?
Jul 14, 2018
Have to save some things Aknan. Hugs to you both.
Jul 14, 2018
Looks yummy!
Jul 13, 2018
Never4 tried one..Looks good though
Jul 13, 2018
"Yum! "